Interfete 4 Web - Carcoteala zilnica despre interfete web: sursa majora de spam sursa majora de spam

Astazi m-am apucat de referatul la CI si printre articole am citit si acesta: Spam Double-Funnel: Connecting Web Spammers with Advertisers. M-am gandit ca ar fi interesant sa postez concluziile acestui research tinand cont ca si noi suntem gazduiti de

"For Layer #1doorway domains, we showed that the free blog-hosting site had an-order-of-magnitude higher
spam appearances in top search results than other hosting domains in both benchmarks, and was responsible for about one in every four spam appearances (22% and 29% in the two benchmarks respectively, to be exact). In addition, at least three in every four unique blogspot URLs that appeared in top-50 results for
commercial queries were spam (77% and 75%). We also showed that over 60% of unique .info URLs in our search results were spam, which was an-order-of-magnitude higher than the spam percentage number for .com URLs.

For Layer #2redirection domains, we showed that the spammer domain was behind over 1,000 spam
appearances in both benchmarks, and the IP block where it resided hosted multiple major redirection domains that collectively were responsible for 22-25% of all spam appearances. We also observed that the majority of the top redirection domains were syndication-based, serving text-based ads-portal pages.

For Layer #3 aggregators, we presented the surprising finding that two IP blocks and appeared to be responsible for funneling an overwhelmingly large percentage of spam-ads clickthrough
traffic. In our study, we easily collected over 100,000 spam ads that were associated with these two IP blocks, including many ads served by non-redirection spammers as well. These two IP blocks occupy the “bottleneck” of the spam double-funnel and may prove to be the best layer for attacking the search spam

For Layer #4syndicators, we discovered that a handful of ads syndicators appeared to serve as the middlemen for connecting advertisers with the majority of the spammers. In particular, the top-3 syndicators were involved in 59-68% of the spam-ads clickthrough redirection chains that we sampled. By serving ads on a
large number of low-quality spam pages at potentially lower prices, these syndicators could become major competitors to main-stream advertising companies who serve some of the same advertisers’ ads on search-result pages and other high-quality, non-spam pages.

For Layer #5advertisers, we showed that even well-known websites’ ads had significance presence on spam pages. Ultimately, it is advertisers’ money that is funding the search spam industry, which is increasingly cluttering the web with lowquality content and reducing web users’ productivity. By exposing the end-to-end search spamming activities, we hope to educate users not to click spam links and spam ads, and to encourage advertisers to scrutinize those syndicators and traffic
affiliates who are profiting from spam traffic at the expense of the long-term health of the web.

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