Interfete 4 Web - Carcoteala zilnica despre interfete web: GNU logo

GNU logo

Continuand seria de articole despre logouri celebre, azi discutam despre sigla GNU. GNU este un sistem de operare creat (prin faptul ca este free), cu intentia de a fi opusul Unix, de unde si acronimul: GNU Not Unix.

Pornind de la denumirea sa, logoul reprezinta (surpriza!) un gnu.

Antilopa gnu este un pasnic ierbivor din familia bovine, ce traieste pe pajisti si in zonele de savana din sud-estul Africii, avand durata de viata de peste 20 de ani. Exista doua specii, antilopa gnu neagra sau albastra, cea din urma datorandu-si numele reflexelor albastre-arginii ce le are pielea, acoperita cu par foarte scurt. Logo-ul GNU insa, se apropie mai mult de imaginea antilopei negre.

O mare parte din popularitatea initiala a siglei GNU se datoreaza cantecului, bazat pe jocuri de cuvinte, realizat de Flanders si Swann, care a facut deliciul multor ascultatori:

A year ago, last Thursday I was strolling in the zoo
when I met a man who though he knew the lot.
He was laying down the law about the habits of Baboons
And how many quills a porcupine has got.
So I asked him: 'What's that creature there?'
He answered: 'Oh, H'it's a H'elk'
I might of gone on thinking that was true,
If the animal in question hadn't put that chap to shame
And remarked: 'I h'aint a H'elk. I'm a Gnu!'

'I'm a Gnu, I'm a Gnu
The g-nicest work of g-nature in the zoo
I'm a Gnu, How do you do
You really ought to k-now w-ho's w-ho's
I'm a Gnu, Spelt G-N-U
I'm g-not a Camel or a Kangaroo
So let me introduce,
I'm g-neither man nor moose
Oh g-no g-no g-no I'm a Gnu'

I had taken furnished lodgings down at Rustington-on-Sea
Whence I travelled on to Ashton-under-Lyne it was actually
And the second night I stayed there I was woken from a dream
That I'll tell you all about some other time
Among the hunting trophies on the wall above my bed
Stuffed and mounted, was a face I thought I knew;
A Bison? No, it's not a Bison. An Okapi? Unlikely, Really. A Hartebeest?
When I though I heard a voice: 'I'm a Gnu!'

I'm a Gnu, ,A g-nother gnu
I wish I could g-nash my teeth at you!
I'm a Gnu, How do you do
You really ought to k-now w-ho's w-ho.
I'm a Gnu Spelt G-N-U,
Call me Bison or Okapi and I'll sue
G-nor am I the least
Like that dreadful Hartebeest,
Oh, g-no, g-no, g-no,
G-no g-no g-no I'm a Gnu
G-no g-no g-no I'm a Gnu

It's very G-nice of you.

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